High School Infographic 2021-2022
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The Point in Time (PINT) high school drop-in clinic offers youth attending the local high school a safe and confidential place to access counseling with a trained mental health worker from Point in Time, 3 days per week throughout the school year.
The Clinic started in November this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
24 unique clients attended 40 sessions at the high school clinic during the 2021-2022 school year. This is a significant decrease from previous years.
Outcome rating scales completed at the beginning of sessions, determined that on average, 80% of clients accessing the clinic were considered clinically distressed. This was a significant increase from last year.
The top presenting issues for clients were anxiety, peer relationships, family conflict and depression.
To access the high school clinic this year, a referral from school staff (SSAC and principal or designate) was required. Self-referrals were not available this year.
Client Experience Infographic 2022
Client experience surveys are sent to caregivers once per year to elicit feedback on individuals' satisfaction with Point in Time services.
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100% of caregivers were satisfied with accessing information and services at Point in Time.
97% of caregivers report that they are getting the amount and type of help they need.
100% of caregivers were satisfied with the services they have received during the pandemic.
Similar to last year, caregivers indicated how the pandemic has most impacted them. The greatest impacts were: social activities, home life, and mental health and well-being.
Caregiver Experience with PinT During Pandemic
"The services provided throughout the pandemic were excellent."
“Point in Time has been amazing during the pandemic. Not only have we gotten that interaction we needed,but we've been able to keep my child up-to-date with everything he needs to know before he goes to school."
What Caregivers Like about PinT
"Comfortable atmosphere, helpful and knowledgeable."
"Local and understand the rural context. They are pure advocates for the families they serve."
"I love how it's almost everything under one roof and if they don't offer it they'll find out who can!"
Caregivers Were Asked About the Impact Service is Having on Them
"Point in Time provides wonderful support for our family and helps me to navigate the resources that are available to us."
"It's giving us a resource and a safe place to discuss our challenges."
During the Pandemic We've Adapted Our Services
Caregivers report that they received services in the following ways (multiple answers could be selected):
- telephone (67%)
- video call (37%)
- in-person (67%)
- email (30%)
For those that met virtually, 67% said they were easily able to connect virtually.