Community Partners Evaluation
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What Point in Time is Doing Well
"Communication, collaboration, family support, sharing of resources and appropriate programming. Very supportive staff."
96% of respondents had a high level of agreement that Point in Time staff are helpful and respectful.
Reasons for Recommending PinT
- supports needed for individuals and families
- types of services offered
- accessible for all services
"I thoroughly enjoy working with Point in Time at both a client and a systems level. They are champions in the community."
Respondents have recommended PinT "often" or "sometimes" to individuals or families in the past 2 years.
Quick Access Evaluation
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Quick Access Evaluation April 2022-March 2023:
Individuals access the quick access clinic to attend a therapeutic session that addresses client needs in a brief format. It also acts as the gateway to referrals to other Point in Time and Youth Hub services.
- 287 Individuals were booked into the quick access clinic to attend a therapeutic session that addresses client needs in a brief format. It also acts as the gateway to referrals to other Point in Time and Youth Hub Services.
- 53% of individuals attending quick access sessions were referred to further services.
- 84% of children under the age of 12 were considered "clinically distressed" by at least one member of the session using the outcome rating scales.
- 59% of children over the age of 12 were considered "clinically distressed" by at least one member of the session using the outcome rating scales.
- 22% of the individuals accessing the quick access clinic were new to the agency/services.
Caregiver Experience Infographic
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Surveys are sent to caregivers once per year to get feedback on satisfaction with services.
Impact the service is having on them:
"Extremely helpful. I wouldn't have got this far with getting what my child needs without you."
"It changed how we parent, having more understanding of what our child needs."
92% of caregivers are noticing positive changes in their child
96% of caregivers feel more confident in supporting their child.
96% of caregivers agreed or strongly agreed that they services they received was the right way of helping them.
What caregivers like about Point in Time:
"The care and time put into what's going to work and help"
"Convenience and flexibility"
"Good location of offices, nice and professional staff, always answered calls, any kind of information and help"
"The support is always there and they are very kind."
Youth Experience Infographic
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Surveys are given at the end of the service or session. Data is collected from January to March 2023.
- 95% of youth had more hope at the end of their session / service.
- 97% of youth found the services to be welcoming, non-discriminatory and comfortable.
- 100% of youth would recommend services to a friend if they were in need of similar help.
One respondent said they liked "the people and support there."