Our Vision
All children and youth achieve their greatest potential within caring, responsive families and communities.
Our Mission
Point in Time Centre for Children, Youth and Parents identifies needs, provides supports, and services enabling residents of Haliburton County to function at their highest potential.
Our Values and Service Philosophy
It is our experience that people are generally best served in the context of family. At Point in Time we believe that families in Haliburton County should have access to a full range of high quality services, delivered effectively and efficiently, to promote the well-being of children, youth, and families.
We believe in the practice of prevention, early intervention, and delivery of services in the least intrusive manner possible. Our services focus on the strengths of the individual and/or the family, respecting confidentiality and embracing diversity. Point in Time is an organization that strives to be free of discrimination and any barrier to what is the best interest of the client. We also strive to build capacities and to promote independence and empowerment.
Community partnerships and collaborations are a cornerstone of our organization. Point in Time’s service is provided in a proactive, respectful, and comprehensive planning process that is accountable to the local community, clients, and funders.
We value our staff, provide them with the necessary training and support, and promote open communication between staff and management. Point in Time is committed to staff, children, youth, parents, and volunteer development to deliver quality services.
We believe in providing an environment where all clients and staff are treated with dignity and respect, an environment that is free from harassment and discrimination as prohibited by law. This responsibility is shared equally by our staff, volunteers, and clients.
- to be informed of their rights and responsibilities while participating in services, upon admission and every six months thereafter to the extent it is practical given the child’s age and level of understanding
- to be active and full participants in the assessment and treatment process
- to receive adequate information to provide informed consent to participate in services
- to be made aware of treatment options and to have your preferences considered when treatment is being planned
- to be made aware of any risks to well-being or safety or likely benefits from treatment at the time of making a decision or treatment plan
- to receive services through the planning process that takes place in the development of the Service Plan that;
- are non-discriminatory and take place in an environment that takes into account ethno-cultural, racial, linguistic and ancestral diversity
- accommodate gender-specific needs of children and youth and their families
- accommodates the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered children and youth and parents and their families
- provides opportunities for leisure and recreational activities as appropriate
- assists children and youth of Indigenous ancestry to preserve their unique cultural identity and to support the maintenance of positive contact, involvement and participation with their Indigenous community
- tailors support for children and youth with unique needs
- supports voluntary access and benefit from religious and spiritual care, including religious diets, prayers and fasts and protects the child or youth from groups seeking conversions, proselytizing or criticizing other faith groups by staff, students and volunteers
- to have access to records (includes clients age 12 and over)
- to be made aware of our policy about confidentiality and the limitations of that policy
- to be informed of our policies about records
- to be informed of the internal complaint procedure and to expect a response to any complaint to be handled in a prompt and effective manner and to be informed of the external complaint procedure including the existence of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth
- children will be not be subjected to any attempt at converting, proselytizing and/or criticism of any faith group by agency staff or volunteers
- to be an equal partner in the multi-disciplinary team process
- to form an alliance with those providing services that promotes change or growth in your family or with your child
- to provide any information that may help treatment
- to provide permission to access information needed to treat your child or family, knowing Point in Time may terminate treatment based on the inability to secure needed information*
- to be forthcoming with custody and access orders that Point in Time staff have a legal responsibility to follow
- to behave in a manner which is respectful of the rights of other clients, staff and volunteers
- to behave in a manner which is respectful of property
- to respect the rules at any Point in Time Centre for Children, Youth and Families facility
- to not use drugs or alcohol when participating in service with our staff either on or off Point in Time property
- to ensure staff are not exposed to second hand smoke
- to attend scheduled appointments and meetings or notify us within 24 hours if unable to do so*Before getting to the point of termination, attempts will be made to fully address the need for information including attempts to satisfy concerns. In the event services are terminated you will be provided with contact information for other service providers. All of these activities will be noted in writing.