Are you connected with Children's Aid?
No, Point in Time is an entirely separate agency with different mandate than Children's Aid. We are a not-for-profit voluntary agency which offers a broad range of services to children, youth and parents in Haliburton County. The Children's Aid Society has a mandate to protect children from abuse and neglect. However, if we have reason to suspect a child/youth (under 16 years of age) is being abused or neglected we are obliged by law to report to the Children's Aid Society.
Can you help my 20 year old son?
The short answer is probably not. Our agency is funded to provide service to infants, children and youth up to their 18th birthday. If your son would benefit from mental health counselling he could call Haliburton Highlands Adult Mental Health Services (705-286-4575).
My baby cries all the time and the neighbours are complaining. If I ask for help from you will you take my child away from me?
No, we do not have the authority to remove children from their homes; only the Children's Aid Society can take that action. If you requested help for you and your baby we would meet with you and work with you on a goal you identify e.g. how to soothe your crying baby. Only when we suspect a child is being abused or neglected do we have to report to the Children's Aid Society.
Can I bring my granddaughter to see you? Her mother doesn't think she has a problem, but I do.
If your granddaughter is over the age of 12 and is willing to see a counsellor you could bring her to see one of our workers. Children over the age of 12 are legally able to consent to counselling without their parents knowledge or consent. The younger the youth, the more likely, when appropriate and with consent, we would encourage involvement of the parent in the counselling sessions.
How do I get help for my child on the weekend/evenings?
Depending on the nature of the difficulties some of our workers will arrange in advance evening appointments. Our business hours are 8:30 to 4:30, Monday to Friday, so you would need to call initially during those hours to refer your child and arrange for an after hours appointment. If you experience a crisis in the evening or weekend, please call the Four Counties Crisis Response Program (1-866-995-9933).
I want to bring my pregnant daughter in for help. Will you tell my husband?
No, your daughter may consent to service with us on her own if she is over the age of 12 years. We would not release any information about her without her consent. If she wished to receive service without your husband's knowledge, she has the right to do so.
Can someone take care of my kids when I come in for an appointment? I don't have anyone to leave them with.
We do have a waiting area in our Haliburton Office where our administrative staff could keep an eye on your children during short appointments. Please make sure you tell this to your worker in advance of your appointment so that staff can be notified and available to help out. This option is not available in our Minden Office. If this is an ongoing difficulty for you please talk to your worker and s/he may be able to help you come up with some alternative care arrangements.
My kids don't want to see their father for access visits. I agree. Can you help me change the court order?
No, this is a legal issue, we do not undertake assessments for court. Please speak with your lawyer. You could request your lawyer apply to have your children referred to the Office of the Children's Lawyer where your access arrangement can be reviewed, assessed and modified if it is in the children's best interest. You could also arrange to speak to the Family Law Lawyer for advice. She comes to Haliburton County on a regular basis and you can book an appointment by calling Point in Time at 457-5345. There is also a Supervised Access Program available on a monthly basis in Haliburton County.
I came to see you a few years ago and then didn't bother following up with my appointments. Can I come back? I need help with my kids again.
Yes, you need to call our Intake Worker to re-refer your children. Once assigned a worker s/he will discuss with you your commitment to the work and the appointments. Point in Time depends upon active participation of children, youth and parents to be effective. We have an obligation to use our resources efficiently. Therefore, we will discontinue service if you miss 3 appointments without adequate notice. You are responsible for re-scheduling appointments. If there has been no contact from you for one month, including telephone messages, we will close your file. Should service be needed again, you will need to call our Intake Worker.
I need a break. Can you get someone to look after my kids for the weekend? The Children's Aid took them away for awhile a few years ago. Will you tell them?
No, we wouldn't be able to find someone to look after your children for the weekend. Emergency babysitting and respite is not a service and support we generally provide on short notice. We would only contact C.A.S. if we had reason to