Download this fact sheet which contains important information for identifying risk and warning signs for suicide.
Help Send a Child to Camp
Since 1987, the Haliburton County Summer Camp Fund has helped children and youth build self esteem, friendships, skills and memories throughout the summer that will last a lifetime.
The average cost to send a child/youth to camp is $800.00 per week for residential camp and $225.00 per week for day camp. Some families in Haliburton County are not able to afford the extra cost.
With your gift donation to the Haliburton County Summer Camp Fund (sponsored by Point in Time Centre for Children, Youth and Parents), you can help send a child to camp this summer and create unforgettable memories.
Last year we raised $5714.75 and were able to send 15 children and youth to day and residential camp.
For more information please contact Dawn Hurd @ 705-457-5345 ext 311
Cardiff Kindergarten Program
Point in Time offers a Kindergarten Readiness Program throughout the summer at the Cardiff Elementary School for children entering Junior or Senior Kindergarten.
The program runs for 6 weeks on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:30-12:00. There is no cost for the program and healthy snacks are provided daily.
Join us for a fun and friendly morning to meet other children in your area, learn some new songs, work through daily routines and transitions and further enhance overall social and developmental skills in preparation for school entry in September.
If you have a child who you feel could benefit from this program please contact Cheryl Smith at 705-457-5345 ext. 316.
Creative Psychotherapy
A new book was published this year, featuring Joan Wilson as a contributing author. We are excited to see what we already know about the importance of brain development and play in print!
Creative Psychotherapy: Applying the principles of neurobiology to play and expressive arts-based practice
Creative Psychotherapy brings together the expertise of leading authors and clinicians from around the world to synthesize what we understand about how the brain develops, the neurological impact of trauma and the development of play. The authors explain how to use this information to plan developmentally appropriate interventions and guide creative counseling across the lifespan.
‘Sunshine Circles’ Thera-play group program
Point in Time offers ‘Sunshine Circles’ Thera-play group programs in various schools and childcare centres throughout the county.
Sunshine circles are interactive adult-led, structured play groups used to enhance the emotional well-being and social skills of children. They are designed to help children feel secure and valued, to get along with others and to feel part of a community. Sunshine Circles are playful & fun, intentionally accepting & positive, valuing & caring, focused on cooperation, experiential and they intentionally involve touch & proximity.
Leaders and children hold hands for songs and games, dab lotion or powder onto hands and knees or put a hand on a child’s shoulder to reassure them. We know that touch is a powerful means of communication and essential in guiding children’s behaviour. Increasing comfort with ‘healthy touch’ is another goal of Sunshine Circles.
Recently we have added a Parent-Child Sunshine Circles program as well and we have had rave reviews from the families whom have attended these so far. “The only way I could get my son to come to school was by telling him it was ‘Sunshine Circles’ day, he really loves attending and it is so nice to have 45 minutes of uninterrupted time with just him and I”. “We can’t wait for the next session to begin”.
Point in Time staff member, Joan Wilson is a Certified Thera-play Supervisor & Trainer and has trained many of our community partners in the delivery of ‘Sunshine Circles’ to further enhance their programs for families and children
Young Warrior Program
The Integra Young Warrior Program is a 20 week program that is designed for youth age 9-12. This program is based on the integration of AIKIDO, “ The peaceful Martial Art”. The program is designed to help youth learn the skills necessary to self-regulate, focus their minds, manage their emotions, become aware of their bodies and to form and maintain healthy relationships.
Three staff from Point in Time including Cheryl Smith, Amanda Wells and Melanie Jones became certified as Young Warrior Senseis and partnered with TLDSB and Integra to offer a program at Archie Stouffer Elementary School during the 2017 – 2018 school year. We are hoping to continue offering this program annually.
Play therapy offered at Point in Time
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) remains the leading force in evaluating and promoting mental health interventions based on “Quality of Research and Readiness for Dissemination” (SAMHSA, 2014). The National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP) provided on the SAMHSA website now includes the following play therapy modalities, all of which are offered at Point in Time:
In January 2017, Theraplay® was awarded the highest rating for evidence-based practice by SAMHSA. Theraplay® is a special type of play therapy that can improve your child’s behavior in unique ways. Using the therapeutic benefits of joyful play and sensitive caregiving, Theraplay® focuses on strengthening your relationship with your child, enhancing your sense of connection and mutual understanding so that your child no longer needs to resort to problem behaviors. As the most important people in a child’s life, caregivers are actively involved in sessions. With the help of the therapist who is skilled at changing what may seem to you a permanent negative dynamic between you, you and your child will experience delight and enjoyment in each other, and your child will become more responsive to you.
Welcome to our new website!
After months of planning, we’re excited to launch the new Point in Time website!
With new and improved navigation, an events calendar, our news blog, and a new donation section, we have more ways for you to interact with us.
Please have a look around, and check back with us as we will be continually adding new content, news, and upcoming events.
We value your opinion; if you have any comments, or can’t find the information that you are looking for, please leave a comment, or contact us.
Mindfulness Martial Arts
As you can read in our mandate, Point In Time provides valuable services to families and individuals all over Haliburton County, helping residents reach their absolute highest potential.
Delivering Both Traditional and Innovative Services
While at times this assistance is delivered in a more established and traditional manner, every so often we have the chance to initiate something that is both extremely helpful and highly innovative. Such is the case with Mindfulness Martial Arts, a unique pilot project done in collaboration with the Integra Foundation and the Trillium Lakelands District School Board.
Mindfulness Martial Arts in Haliburton County
Mindfulness Martial Arts, first adopted by the Haliburton High School in 2014, is the only one programs of its kind in the province. It shows students how to adapt the physical and mental disciplines of martial arts into the daily challenges they might face.
Beginning with techniques that teach the simple art of breathing and how it can help create a calm mental state, participants learn new ways of dealing with occasionally persistent problems. Students also engage in actual physical (but non-combative) martial arts techniques that illustrate how an active body can create a peaceful mind.
The Haliburton version of MMA, which has already proven to be an unqualified success on many levels, has given Point In Time yet another valuable resource to help enrich the lives of so many. We couldn’t be more honoured to have played a key role in bringing this incredibly enriching program to the County.
Watch for yourself!
Point In Time MMA from Sticks and Stones Productions on Vimeo.